Robot Assembly
Step 1 - Battery holder mount
- Bottom part
- Battery holders (2x)
- Screw M3x6 (4x)
Step 2 - Front Leg mount
- Front leg
- Screw M3x6 (2x)
Step 3 - H-Bridge mount
- H-bridge
- screw M3x6 (4x)
Step 4 - Standoffs
- Standoff (4x)
- Screw M3x6 (4x)
Step 5 - Rear Leg mount
- Rear leg
- Screw M3x6 (2x)
Step 6 - Roller Casters mount
- Roller caster (3x)
- Screw M2x4 (6x)
Step 7 - Motors mount
- Motor with 6-wire cable (2x)
- Screw M3x25
Step 8 - Line Sensors mount
- Line sensor with 3 wires (2x)
- vcc (red)
- gnd (black)
- signal (blue)
Step 9 - Middle, Switch
- Middle part
- Switch
- USB power delivery module
- Wires (red & black)
Step 10 - Arduino Board
- Arduino board
- Screw M3x6 (4x)
Step 11 - LiDAR Mount
- LiDAR with UART to USB converter and 4 screws
Step 12 - Ultrasound Module assembly
- Ultrasound sensor
- 3 wires
- vcc (red)
- gnd (black)
- signal (blue)
Step 13 - US Modules mount
- Ultrasound module (3x)
- Screw M3x6 (6x)
Step 14 - DC/DC Stepup mount
- DC/DC stepup
- Screw M3x6 (2x)
Step 15 - Top, LCD
- Top Part
- LCD mount
- Wires
- vcc (red)
- gnd (black)
- sda (green)
- scl (yellow)
Step 16 - RPi, Camera
- Raspberry Pi 4
- RPi camera v2
- Camera mount
- 4x screw M2x3
Step 17 - RPi Module mount
- RPi module
Step 18 - Sensor Board mount
- Sensor board
- Magnetometer
- Barometer
Step 19 - RPi Hat mount
- RPi Hat
Step 20 - Bottom Module wires alignment
Step 21 - Mid Module wires alignment
Step 22 - Bot & Mid merge
- Bottom module
- Mid module
- Standoff (4x)
Step 23 - Connecting Encoders to Arduino Board
- Left motor -> encoder 1
- Right motor -> encoder 2
Step 24 - Connecting US modules
- Left US -> us_1
- Center US -> us_2
- Right US -> us_3
Step 25 - Top Module mount
- Top module
- Screw M3x4 (4s)
- Wires (RPi power -> Arduino Board)
- 5V (red)
- gnd (black)
Step 26 - Connecting I2C RPi <-> Aruino Board
- Wires
- sda (green)
- scl (yellow)
Step 27 - Wiring Arduino Board -> H-Bridge
- Left motor
- M1A -> N1 (yellow)
- M1B -> N2 (green)
- Right motor
- M2A -> N3 (yellow)
- M2B -> N4 (green)
Step 28 - Connecting RPi Power to Sensor Board
- vcc 5V (red)
- gnd (black)
- sda (gree)
- scl (yellow)
Step 29 - Power Up
Step 30 - Wheels
- Wheel (2x)