Week 4 - Particle Filter

The goal of this assignment is to implement a working localization algorithm based on the particle filter.

Task 1 – Prediction

Implement the prediction function predict_pose that takes the particle pose and the control input as arguments and returns the new pose. Apply the probabilistic motion model.

Task 2 – Correction

Implement the measurement function compute_lidar_measurement that takes the map, the particle pose, and the lidar orientations as arguments and returns a vector of measured distances without any noise.

You may take advantage of the simulator function ray_cast which is used as follows:

intersections = ray_cast(ray_origin, walls, direction)

The first argument is a position of the ray's initial point, the second argument is the description of walls stored in read_only_vars.map.walls, and the final argument is a direction of the ray in radians. The function returns all intersection of the given ray with the walls.

Tip: You can use the MoCap pose and lidar measurements to verify that your function returns correct data.

Then, implement the weighting function weight_particles. You may use an arbitraty metric.

Task 3 – Resampling

Implement the resampling function resample_particles, taking a set of particles and their associated weights as arguments and returning a new set of resampled particles. Use any algorithm of your choice.

Task 4 – Localization

Initialize a set of particles at random poses within the map. Update the particle filter in each iteration (perform prediction, correction and resampling). Adjust the previously implemented functions to make the particles converge to the robot's true pose. You should be able to present a screenshot with a cluster of particles gathered around the agent. You may need to move the robot in some cases to make the localization work.

Tip: Begin in a map with distinctive features, i.e. not containing similar corridors etc. You can create your own map to help you with the task.

Discuss the most important parameters of your solution and justify the selection of algorithms. What was the major issue you have had to overcome?


To implement the tasks, use the algorithm directory only, do not modify the rest of the simulator. The solution must work in the fresh simulator without any errors, and must generate the graphical outputs contained in the report

Create a single A4 report that will briefly describe your solution (few sentences for each task and an image, if makes sense).

Send the report and zip archive comprising the algorithm directory to the lecturer's e-mail by Sunday 23:59 of the given week of the semester.